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W.E. Upjohn Institute Early Career Research Grant Program

The Upjohn Institute invites proposals for Early Career Research Grants. These grants are intended to provide resources for junior faculty (untenured and within six years of having earned a PhD) to carry out policy-related research on labor market issues. The Institute encourages research proposals on all issues related to labor markets and public workforce policy.

Early Career Research Grant recipients are expected to write a research paper based on the funded work; submit the paper to the Institute’s working paper series; submit the paper to a peer-reviewed journal; and prepare synopsis of the research for possible publication in the Institute’s newsletter, Employment Research.

The maximum funding for an Early Career Research Grant is $5,000.

Applicants should submit a proposal of, at most, 1,200 words, describing the proposed research and its relevance to labor market policy. The proposal should include an abstract and a brief budget. Applications must also include a current curriculum vitae.

Submissions by e-mail are accepted at communications@upjohn.org.

Submission deadline is January 31, 2014. Awards will be announced by March 3, 2014. For more information visit the Upjohn Institute Website.